Hernia – Mesh OR Patch
Mesh OR Patch for Hernia on Epigastric and Umbilical Sites Mesh OR Patch for Hernia on Epigastric and Umbilical Sites (MORPHEUS-Trial): The Complete Two-year Follow-up Abstract Objective: The objective of this trial [...]
Mesh OR Patch for Hernia on Epigastric and Umbilical Sites Mesh OR Patch for Hernia on Epigastric and Umbilical Sites (MORPHEUS-Trial): The Complete Two-year Follow-up Abstract Objective: The objective of this trial [...]
Laparotomy closure techniques: Do surgeons follow the latest guidelines? Laparotomy closure techniques: Do surgeons follow the latest guidelines? Results of a questionnaire. ABSTRACT Purpose: Incisional hernias after laparotomy are associated with [...]
Degradation of mesh coatings and intraperitoneal adhesions Degradation of mesh coatings and intraperitoneal adhesion formation in an experimental model M H F Schreinemacher 1 , P J Emans, M J J Gijbels, J-W M Greve, G [...]
(Lies)breuk of buikwandbreuk of hernia Een liesbreuk is een veel voorkomend probleem. In de loop van hun leven ontwikkelt 1 op de 4 mannen een liesbreuk en 1 op de 100 [...]