Laparoscopic resection of colonic cancer

Laparoscopic resection of colonic cancer


Laparoscopic resection of colonic cancer can be regarded as a safe and efficacious procedure. Short-term outcome is better after laparoscopic colectomy than after open colectomy. Long-term results of the first published randomized clinical trial indicate improved cancer related survival following laparoscopic resection of colonic cancer. However, patients included in this single center study were operated on by highly experienced laparoscopic surgeons and included relative small numbers of patients. Results of other large randomized controlled trials have to be awaited before laparoscopic resection can be recommended for colonic cancer. Higher in-hospital costs and a long learning curve hinder rapid implementation of laparoscopic colectomy into general surgical practice. Integration of laparoscopic surgery into surgical training programs is mandatory.

Link to the publication at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, Clinical Trials