Hier vind je artikelen en andere content die gaan over breuken. Dat is de verzamelnaam voor allerlei uitstulpingen die vorkomen in de lies en omgeving. Er zijn diverse soorten liesbreuken te onderscheiden, onder andere afhankelijk van de plaats waar de inhoud van de buikholte uit gaat puilen. Soms is de liesbreuk aangeboren, maar ze kan ook ontstaan door overbelasting.

Hernia – Can Electric Nose Breath Analysis Identify Abdominal Wall Hernia Recurrence?

By |2020-11-09T09:07:42+00:00November 9th, 2020|Hernia, Voor collega's|

Can Electric Nose Breath Analysis Identify Abdominal Wall Hernia Recurrence and Aortic Aneurysms? Can Electric Nose Breath Analysis Identify Abdominal Wall Hernia Recurrence and Aortic Aneurysms? A Proof-of-Concept Study Elwin H H [...]

Hernia – Prevention of incisional hernia using different suture materials for closing the abdominal wall

By |2020-11-09T08:40:31+00:00November 9th, 2020|Hernia, Voor collega's|

Prevention of incisional hernia using different suture materials for closing the abdominal wall: a comparison of PDS, Vicryl and Prolene in a rat model Prevention of incisional hernia using different suture materials [...]

Hernia – Prophylactic mesh placement to avoid incisional hernias after stoma reversal

By |2020-11-09T07:58:48+00:00November 9th, 2020|Hernia, Voor collega's|

Prophylactic mesh placement to avoid incisional hernias after stoma reversal: a systematic review and meta-analysis Prophylactic mesh placement to avoid incisional hernias after stoma reversal: a systematic review and meta-analysis L C [...]

Hernia – Systematic review of transversus abdominis release in complex abdominal wall reconstruction

By |2020-11-09T07:45:49+00:00November 9th, 2020|Hernia, Voor collega's|

Systematic review of transversus abdominis release in complex abdominal wall reconstruction Systematic review of transversus abdominis release in complex abdominal wall reconstruction J A Wegdam  1 , J M M Thoolen  2 , S [...]

Hernia – Meta-analysis of postoperative pain using non-sutured or sutured single-layer open mesh repair

By |2020-11-08T21:45:22+00:00November 8th, 2020|Hernia, Voor collega's|

Meta-analysis of postoperative pain using non-sutured or sutured single-layer open mesh repair for inguinal hernia Meta-analysis of postoperative pain using non-sutured or sutured single-layer open mesh repair for inguinal hernia S van [...]

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